Draw A Person Test Interpretation Manual

Draw a person test manual

  1. Draw A Person Test In Psychology
  2. Draw A Person Test Interpretation Manual Pdf
  3. Benton Visual Retention Test

A projective test developed by the US psychologist Karen Alper Machover (1902–96) and discussed in her book Personality Projection in the Drawing of the Human Figure (1949). The respondent is handed a blank sheet of paper and a pencil and is asked simply to draw a person, then, on a separate sheet, to draw a person of opposite sex to the first, then finally to indicate the age, educational level, occupation, fears, and ambitions of each person drawn. The drawings are interpreted in terms of feature placement (size, body details, positioning, clothing, and so on), the assumptions being that people tend to project acceptable impulses on to the same-sex figure and unacceptable impulses on to the opposite-sex figure, and that various features have special significance: large eyelashes indicate hysteria; prominent eyes or ears indicate suspiciousness; large figures suggest acting out; small figures, lack of facial features, or dejected facial expressions indicate depression; lack of body periphery details indicate suicidal tendencies; dark shading indicates aggressive impulses; lack of physical details suggests psychosis or brain damage; and so on. Also called the Machover Draw-a-Person Test. DAP abbrev.

Draw A Person Test In Psychology


Draw A Person Test Interpretation Manual Pdf


Benton Visual Retention Test

DRAW A PERSON TEST Karen Machover I. HISTORY The first formal development of a projective drawing technique was Goodenough (1926) Draw-A-Man Test. She used it solely to estimate a child’s cognitive abilities as reflected in the quality of the drawing. She assumed that the accuracy and number of details contained indicates the child’s l evel of intellectual maturity. Criterion for Evaluation: The Draw A Man Test The meanings of form all vary from test to test. This is just an overview and is in no means a guide for scoring the test. Remember: overall impression overrides any one indicator. A typical test is done on a 8.5 by 11 inch blank white paper with a pencil and or coloring tools (e.g.