Aquos Net Certificate Expired

Aquos Net Certificate Expired

Okay that means the site certificate for the Sharp's AquosNet page has expired. There isn't anything you can do about that part of it. Renew a certificate. The standard certificate generated by Visual Studio runs one year after the creation date. Before the certificate expires, you must either re-create the certificate using the App-Manifest Designer, or deploy another valid certificate using the App-Manifest Designer as described above. To renew the certificate. Thanks to an expired digital certificate in a version of Ericsson’s management software that is widely used by European telecommunications companies millions of cellular users experienced downtime.The outages initially affected software used by O2 and its parent company, Telefonica, but eventually the outages showed up downstream, too.

Help. I can't connect to my Asus Merlin OpenVPN setup anymore. After looking at the log file on my client PC I can see this line:
VERIFY ERROR: depth=1, error=certificate has expired
I have 4 files in my OpenVPN config folder:

When I use notepad to open those 4 files up the only thing I can see is that in the client1.crt it has this:
Not Before: Jul 3 16:05:05 2008 GMT
Not After : Jul 1 16:05:05 2018 GMT
Aquos Net Certificate Expired

Aquos Net Certificate Expired 2017

I tried just changing the date on the 'Not After to 2019' but that did not work.
2017I tried searching the forum but didn't see much on this. Anyone have any step by step instructions on how I can correct this?
I have about 10 clients connecting using this so if I can correct client1 then I can correct the rest.

Aquos Net Certificate Expired Registration
